Plastic pollution has become one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time. Worldwide, on average eight billion kilos of plastics end up in our oceans every year – that makes for 23.000 kilos every single minute! Those plastics – ranging from large to microscopically small – cause devastating effects on the environment and animals. We don’t know yet how it affects us, humans.

A recent report stated that European seafood eaters consume up to 11.000 pieces of plastic every year, mainly through the consumption of mussels, of which 40 to 60 might end up in our tissue. The Ocean Movement (former By the Ocean we Unite) is a Dutch foundation with charitable status (ANBI) that contributes to preventing more plastics from ending up in our oceans.

Through the organization of a variety of sailing expeditions – and other projects, such as lectures and documentaries – TOM shows individuals the beauty of the waters of this planet while conducting research, creating awareness, educating and activating people, organizations, and governments to make much-needed changes.

By joining forces with partners worldwide, TOM increases outreach and grows its positive impact. Join them on the journey and help to protect our oceans, the animals, and each other from plastic pollution.

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