Since 2013, the Enerterre Association has been working with the communities in France on solving the housing challenges and teaching people how to build houses from the soil they are walking on.

With a little help from volunteers, the neighbors that gathered are building and renovating houses using only natural materials and reducing the carbon footprint for the transportation process.

The community members say that it is important for them to have build something with their bare hands, and they now have a quality living and working space, build to last forever. And the winters got a lot warmer with the new insulation, too.

This video is one of the episodes in the documentary series WATT IF – Energies for climate created by Olivier, makesense reporter, in partnership with EDF.

makesense is a global organization that inspires and empowers citizens, entrepreneurs, and organizations to build an inclusive and sustainable society together. Energies for Climate is a global campaign aiming to accelerate the transition towards low-carbon and accessible energy for everyone.

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