Liter of Light produces cheap, sustainable, and easy-to-make lights that illuminate the lives of the communities that have little or no access to electricity. Illac Diaz, the founder of the company, first noticed the impacts of climate change in 2006, when a school in the neighborhood collapsed due to a strong storm. This inspired him to think of solutions for the problems that arise in his climate change stricken country.
Illac designed a simple light that could be built at home, with local materials, and with little previous knowledge. By following his idea, he created a people-based system guided by a bottom-up approach. Liter of Light creates opportunities for a better livelihood.
This video is one of the episodes in the documentary series WATT IF – Energies for climate created by Olivier, makesense reporter, in partnership with EDF. makesense is a global organization that inspires and empowers citizens, entrepreneurs, and organizations to build an inclusive and sustainable society together. Energies for Climate is a global campaign aiming to accelerate the transition towards low-carbon and accessible energy for everyone.
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