Earn money by creating incredible stories about incredible people and initiatives from anywhere in the world.
The WorldFair team is looking for freelance video creators from all over the world who are passionate about telling good stories! Sometimes mainstream media can be tough to watch – we give our audience a place where they can experience good news! We are devoted to telling positive stories about amazing initiatives, people, and communities all over the world.
We want you to help us spread the good news! All you need is a camera and the ability to edit your own videos.
You can earn 50% of advertising income* on every video you submit that is published on our site.
The content should be a positive story that showcases inspiring people or initiatives who are working to make their communities better. If you are unsure about the story you want to tell – send us a note, and we’d be happy to provide feedback.
Although we love cat videos, we are looking for stories about people or initiatives who are solving problems on a local and/or international level and are contributing to a better future.

Please adhere to our minimum requirements when creating your stories:
- Shoot 25 fps
- Export in 16:9 and 1:1
- Minimum quality is 720p
- Export file in MP4 or MOV
- Video length no longer than 5 minutes (There is no minimum length)
- Max file size: 4GB
Please subtitle videos and use Hind Guntur font, download font here.
*50% of YouTube Ads without a time limit.
WorldFair is a platform that spreads positivity. Our aim is to put a smile on the face of each and every person who watches our videos. Inspiring our audience to do better, love their neighbors, and contribute to a positive and sustainable future.
Join the movement below!
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